Pet Lifestyle · Kinship

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Let’s talk about life as a pet parent. We’ve got travel tips, dating advice, adoption info, and so much more.

Man working at the office with her Corgi dog in his lap.

Dog People Are More Likely to Have Senior Management Positions, Study Finds

Wanna move on up? Try adopting a pup.

life with pets

Let’s talk about both the little things and big moments of life with pets. Like exercise routines, pet-sitter checklists, pet-safe plants…and how much it all costs.

Cat coming out of hiding from a shoe rack at home.

Come out, come out, wherever you are!

Cute Boxer dog snuggling a Lamb Chop toy.

The nostalgia is strong with this one.

Molly, a pink Poodle, with police officers

The vibrant hue actually worked in the dog's favor.

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pets & their people

Let’s talk humans. See what celebs have to say about pet parenthood. Find advice on handling your pet’s other people (e.g. your ex.) And get more tips for the people stuff.

Hurricane, Dog Who Protected Obama From a White House Intruder, Has Died

“We miss him so much. A huge hole that can never be replaced.”

Official dog mayor of New York City.

Meet Simon the Basset Cattle Dog who was just sworn in on the steps of City Hall after months of scandal.

Chrissy Teigen's dog, Penny, has passed away.

Their beloved rescue pup was born on their wedding day.

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adoption & fostering

New pet parent (or still thinking about fostering or adopting a pet)? Get all the advice you need: how to find the right pet for you, how to introduce them to other pets and kids, and how to bond with your new family member.

Sad dog looking outside of cage door.

There are systemic issues at play.

Woman talking to her Jack Russell Terrier dog.

From puppies to seniors, new friends to foster fails, here’s how to navigate a moniker swap.

Philadelphia Eagles demonstrating their pet adoption efforts.

Plus, how you can support your team while joining their mission to protect pets.

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Go green with your pet. Read up on eco-friendly pet care trends to help minimize your pet’s carbon pawprint.

Hiker and dog overlooking the top of a mountain

Expert tips to help reduce your pet’s carbon footprint. (Pawprint? You get it.)

A man carrying a dog in a purple dog carrier tote.

Seven brands transforming ocean-bound water bottles into well-designed dog accessories.

woman holding beautiful cat

If your New Year’s resolution is to go green, consider animal rescue.

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Ask a Vet

Pet health question that’s not an emergency? Our vet team will answer over email within 48 hours. So, go ahead, ask us about weird poop, bad breath, and everything in between.


From pet travel tips to pet-friendly city guides, we’ve got all your flying, hiking, and biking needs covered.

Person traveling with dog at airport.

Everyone seems to have an opinion.

RetrievAir, a New Airline for Dogs, Is Taking Flight.

And it's not as expensive as you might think.

dog and woman running in the snow

It’s time to dust off your skis and snowshoes, pack your dog’s cold-weather gear, and let them (safely) jump headfirst into a snow drift.

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animal advocacy

Learn about the people making a difference for animals and what you can do to lend a hand, too.

Sad dog looking outside of cage door.

There are systemic issues at play.

Falls Township Animal Control discovered 53 cats being housed in a storage facility and called BCSPCA for help rescuing the animals.

Many of them were seriously ill.

More than 100 animals have been rescued from “an alleged neglect case at a licensed veterinarian’s residence” in Sandusky County.

Find out how you can help.

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