Food & Food Toppers
Kibble or canned? Fresh or dehydrated? Human-grade?! We’ll help you choose the best pet food on the market.
Can Dogs Eat Yams?
Find out how to feed your pup yams safely.
We outline everything you need to know about wet vs. dry cat food and more.
Nutrition Calculator
If we could give our pets infinite treats, we would. But this tool will tell you the right amount to feed your friend.
Get Calculatingopens in a new tabCan Wet Cat Food Cause Diarrhea?
And when should you offer them another option?
Even if they ain’t too proud to beg, you shouldn’t let your pup in on these snacks.
Can Cats Eat Dog Food?
It shouldn’t be their main course. Here’s why.
Why Does Your Kitten Eat So Much?
Usually, a hungry, hungry kitten is perfectly normal. But here’s when a kitten eating a lot is cause for concern.
Can bacon and wine help a cat live until the age of 38?
A cat in Oregon passed after eating from the affected batch.
Growth Charts
So, you have a new, tiny family member? Well, we’ll help you track their growth, keep an eye on their health, and even predict how not-so-tiny they’ll become. Just add their weight to start.
Start Chartingopens in a new tabCan Dogs Eat Eggs and Eggshells?
Yes, eggs are a nutritious treat for dogs.
Healthy meals and supplements can help set them on a path to recovery.
What Is the Best Time to Feed a Dog?
They tell you that every time of day is eating time, but you know better.
Why Won’t My Puppy Eat?
We asked two veterinarians for advice.
Can Dogs Eat Carrots?
Yep—this crunchy, sweet vegetable is a great addition to your dog’s diet.
7 Surprising Flavors Cats Love
And whether they should have them, according to a nutritionist.
Ask a Vet
Pet health question that’s not an emergency? Our vet team will answer over email within 48 hours. So, go ahead, ask us about weird poop, bad breath, and everything in between.
Can Cats Drink Milk?
The movies would have you believe they can.
Can Dogs Eat Mashed Potatoes?
It might be comfort food for you, but not for your pup.
Can Dogs Eat Turkey?
Before you invite them to the Thanksgiving table, here’s what you should know.
Can a Kitten Eat Adult Cat Food?
Uhh, is that safe, little guy?
Do not feed your dog this popular snack.
Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes?
Add it to the list of healthy human superfoods pups can eat, too.
Even a pup who eats anything has their preferences—and knowing them can help.
How to pick the right grub for your dog when there are So. Many. Choices.
Tips for improving your cat’s appetite with these tasty add-ons.
Some helpful guidelines to follow.
Puppy-Feeding Schedule 101
They might act hungry all day, but it’s up to you to know the facts.
Can You Give a Kitten Milk?
It depends on what kind.
This simple recipe can serve as the base for dog treats.
Can Dogs Eat Pumpkin?
The superfood is delicious, and it’s a natural remedy for some common pup ailments.
Can Puppies Drink Milk?
And if so, what kind?
When Can Puppies Eat Wet Food?
And learn what factors are at play when it comes to your kitty’s cardiac health.
Best Food for Dogs With Allergies
Because no one deserves to be uncomfy.
Pet parents should dispose of these products ASAP.
The Best Fruits for Dogs to Eat
Doggie-safe fruit salad, anyone?
Here's what to do if you have purchased these pet products.
From kale to quinoa, these nutrient-packed picks deserve a spot in your dog’s food bowl.
A veterinary nutritionist shares what you can do if you’re being held hostage by your dog’s particular palate.
Four veterinary nutritionists pick apart the claims so that you can choose the right food for your kitty.
Jack-o’-lantern not required.
How to read beyond the buzzwords and find what’s best for your pal.
3 Reasons to Cook Your Own Dog Food
Adding a DIY component to your dog’s meals is a great, nutritious option.
The best ingredients to include when considering a home-cooked diet for your cat.
Are GMO Foods Safe For Your Dog?
Holistic vet Robert Silver breaks it down.
How Long Can Wet Cat Food Sit Out?
Your new cat certainly isn’t going to have the answer.
What Can I Feed a Kitten?
Learn what nutrients are a must for your new little one.
Grab the leash—this is only from Aug. 17-18!
Can Dogs Eat Yogurt?
Yes, yogurt is a safe and healthy treat for dogs.
Can Dogs Eat Tomatoes?
Bite-size pieces of ripe, red tomatoes are safe—but you should skip the marinara sauce.
They may be tiny, but their appetites are not.
Cats are notoriously picky, but science is getting to the bottom of their tastes.
Can Cats Eat Cherries?
Hopefully the answer is yes, because telling them no is the pits.
Can Dogs Eat Raspberries?
They sure would like some of your farmers’ market haul.
Can Puppies Eat Adult Dog Food?
They might want to hurry up and be a big kid, but here’s why it’s good to wait.
How to Bottle-Feed a Kitten
Starting with the supplies you’ll need.
Five different pet foods have been contaminated.
Everything you need to know about the pros and cons of a veggie diet.
Van Leeuwen just announced a new dog-friendly ice cream—and it’s not the only option for a pup with a sweet tooth.
When Can a Kitten Eat Wet Food?
And how to know what kind they need.
What Can Cats Eat Besides Cat Food?
Good news for your begging cat: Some of your favorite snacks are safe to share.
Can Dogs Taste Sugar?
We already know they’re sweet.
The 30-plus year long partnership between the pet food brand and service dog organization now includes VCA Animal Hospitals.
When Can a Puppy Eat Solid Food?
Yes, a question that also applies to human babies.
Can a Kitten Eat Dry Food?
And the nutrients you should make sure they’re getting.
Can Dogs Eat Mushrooms?
Your dog is a fun-gi, but be careful which shrooms they eat.
Can Cats Eat Sweet Potatoes?
Yep—but the plainer, the better. Here’s why.
Can Dogs Eat Persimmons?
There are some caveats to be aware of.
Can Dogs Eat Celery?
Sure, they can have a bite—if they want one.
related article test
Can Cats Eat Shrimp?
They definitely want to...
Can Dogs Eat Corn?
A few kernels are fine—but keep it off the cob.
Can Dogs Eat Onions?
Add them to the list of no-nos in the kitchen. Here’s why.
This was a voluntary recall by the company itself.
Feeding your dog healthy whole foods is easier than ever.
Top 10 Foods That Are Toxic to Cats
Sharing isn’t always caring. Keep your cat safe by keeping these human snack staples to yourself.
Can Cats Eat Marshmallows?
These puffy delights are non-toxic to our puffy delights (aka cats) but that doesn’t mean they should have s’more (get it?).
Can Dogs Eat Cheese?
We know they want to — but how much is safe?
Can Cats Eat Corn?
A few kernels won’t hurt, but think twice before doling out a bowl of the stuff.
What Human Foods Can Cats Eat?
We know they’re begging—but what’s safe to share?
Can Dogs Eat Pecans?
Here’s why you should keep your pup far, far away from this nut.
Can Dogs Eat Popcorn?
Your pup wants in on movie night.
Here’s what you need to know if you think your pet has been affected.
Can Cats Eat Cinnamon?
You love the spice in your mulled wine and cider. Learn if your cat can enjoy it.
Can Cats Eat Pomegranates?
Vets want them to steer clear. Here’s why.
Discover the ways to get your picky eater to expand their culinary horizons
Can Dogs Eat Gingerbread?
It’s the perfect festive treat for the holidays. But definitely not for your dog—learn why.
Can Dogs Eat Butternut Squash?
Your winter farmers’ market is full of the stuff. Find out if your dog can have some.
From turkey to stuffing, find out which festive foods it’s safe to sneak your pup from the table.
Can Dogs Eat Ham?
That might be what you’re having for the holidays, but read here to see if your dog can partake.
Can Dogs Eat Mango?
The delicious fruit is safe in moderation.
Can Cats Eat Raw Chicken?
Careful — cooked chicken is way safer for your kitty.
Can Cats Eat Tomatoes?
A little tomato’s safe — with some important caveats.
Can Dogs Eat Broccoli?
Find out how to safely get your pup their greens.
Can Dogs Eat Shrimp?
Is your pup a seafood fan? Find out everything you need to know about feeding them shrimp.
Can Cats Eat Tuna?
It’s a classic kitty snack, but don’t go overboard.
From turkey to mince pies, Brussels sprouts to parsnips, find out which festive foods it’s safe to sneak your pup from the table
Can Cats Eat Rice?
A warm bowl of rice is your cat’s version of comfort food.
Can Cats Eat Popcorn?
They want to enjoy movie night, too, you know.
Can Cats Eat Carrots?
Learn whether your little Bugs Bunny can crunch on the veggie.
Can Cats Eat Catnip?
They’re definitely pulling for the answer to be an emphatic “yes,” but...not so fast.
Can Cats Eat Grapes?
This is one you’ll want to bookmark.
Katie Spies tells Kinship how she’s changing the nutrition game with her human-grade raw pet food company.
This is an expansion of two former recalls.
Here’s how we selected everything you’re shopping in our Best in Show guide this year.
How to Get a Dog to Eat
You can’t appease your picky new dog with chicken nuggets like you can with your toddler. Here are some things you can do.
Yes, Oranges are a Nutritious Treat for Dogs
Pass the fruit bowl — it’s treat time.
A veterinary nutritionist weighs in on how best to approach the diet plan.
The feeding practice is popular — should you try it?
They shouldn’t exactly have their paw constantly in the honey jar, but the sweet stuff can be beneficial in some cases.
All those cartoons of cats staring longingly at fish bowls might not be so far off. A new study suggests seafood in your pets’ diet could help sustainably meet the world’s protein needs.
A few of our favorite brands participating in Patagonia’s 1% for the Planet global movement — makers of kibble to catnip to carriers.
All it takes is healthy ingredients and a slow cooker.
Can Your Dog Eat Watermelon?
Yep, you can share watermelon with your pup — but there are a few safety tips to keep in mind.
The pet wellness company’s newest product aims to aid your pup’s tummy.
And with the launch of their new dog food line at their joint pet brand, Yummers, it’s going to stay that way.
From Tails Wagon in Charleston to Denver’s Bone Apétreat, there’s no shortage of pet-friendly options — or relevant puns.
From kibble to homemade food, these tips will help you learn the fundamentals of dog nutrition.
A veterinary nutritionist explains why your cat isn’t eating and how to increase their appetite.
Can Dogs Eat Cucumbers?
That cuke crunch is irresistible. Learn if your dog can get in on that action.
Can Dogs Eat Grapes?
The answer is no, no, no, and here’s why.
Unraveling the Grain-Free Dog Food Debate: Examining the Potential Link to Canine Heart Disease
Integrative veterinarian Dr. Lindsey Wendt shares advice on a sometimes controversial, always changing topic.
This diet could be just right for your cat. But keep these things in mind before you make the switch.
Can Dogs Eat Avocado?
Hold the avo toast, please.
The Malibu-based brand offers fresh food, supplements, and recipes for the discerning doggie diner.
6 of the best pet CBD products on the market — if it’s the right choice for your pet.
While they might not be working on their “gains,” there are other reasons this diet could be a good fit.
Eco Bites has upcycled vegetable pulp, sustainable insect protein, and is packed with vitamins. Your vet is already thrilled.
A new Petco initiative aims to keep 50,000 dog food bags out of landfills each year.
Beyond your knowledge from old Fiber One commercials, here’s the full report on why your kitty might need fiber in their diet, too.
And good news: The packaging features Captain America and his pup.
Do Cats Need High-Calorie Cat Food?
Why you should only be packing on the calories in certain situations.
Indulge your pup (safely) with these delicious and healthy snacks.
6 Raw Food Brands For Dogs to Devour
Plus, two nutritionists discuss the pros and cons of the feeding trend.
Can Cats Eat Garlic?
It’s a human cooking staple, but your cat shouldn’t indulge.
The Because, Animals co-founder on the eco-friendly way we could feed our pets.
This dog-friendly recipe is so not your mom’s meatloaf — which is a good thing.
Dr. Bruce Kornreich explains why going this route isn’t always the answer.
You’ve got questions. Dr. Bruce Kornreich, director of the Cornell Feline Health Center, has answers.
Can Cats Eat Ham?
Skip the green eggs, but ham is OK — with a couple caveats.
If your dog suffers from mealtime boredom, spice up their food bowl with one of these tasty toppers.
Can Dogs Eat Peanut Butter?
Elvis famously loved peanut butter. So, can your “Hound dog” lap it up, too?
Get ready for a sigh of relief — this food doesn’t have to be pricey.
Diet culture is a tricky thing — for pets, too.
How to Make Homemade Dog Kibble
Learn how to make dry dog food with this easy homemade dog kibble dish.
These expert-approved recipes will help you use all the food in your kitchen.
Founder Nicole Marchand has made home cooking easier with upcycled ingredients.
Can Dogs Eat Bread?
The short answer: yes — in moderation. It’s better to go easy on this carb-heavy treat.
Can My Dog Eat Bananas?
Yep — bananas are a healthy and delicious treat for your pup.
From chia to pumpkin, seeds pack a major nutritional punch.
How to Find Free Pet Food Near You
These community resources can help your pet get the food they need.
Inspired — and helmed — by his own Maine Coon, chef Bobby Flay’s Made by Nacho is a pet food brand that puts felines first.
A (literal) spoonful of medicine.
Here’s how certain foods can balance your pet’s energy and even ease their allergies, according to Chinese medicine.
Want your pet to eat healthily? Dig in and learn how to read their food label.
This Food Topper Might Be the One
Front of the Pack’s signature supplement features an all-star list of ingredients to help dogs get the most out of their meals.
Pampered pooch? You wouldn’t have it any other way.
This healthy snack for humans isn't so healthy for your pup. Here's why it's best to avoid them.
The founder of Crystal Lotus Veterinary Care recommends therapeutic platters, healing pet foods, electromagnetic flea/tick preventatives, and more personalized pet care options.
Behold: the power of a home-cooked meal.
It’s like Postmates — but for you spoiled cat.
Save the charcuterie for the humans.
Meet 5 New Innovative Pet Startups
Leap Venture Studio is a springboard for these companies designing “flexitarian” pet diets, state-of-the-art health tools, and more.
From regenerative meats to low-carbon grains, these sustainable foods are fit for any conscious canine.
It’s a gut thing: Your dog’s GI issues could be linked to their mental health.
Let Your Dog Lap Up Your Bone Broth
It isn’t just a healthy cocktail for the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow and Kylie Jenner. And we’ve got a recipe.
Is Cooking Your Dog’s Food Worth it?
A nutritionist on dogs’ unique dietary needs, important ingredients, and other pro tips for home-cooked dog food.
Can Dogs Eat Kale?
Yep — this superfood is good for your dog in small amounts.
And according to a new study, it’s putting their health at risk.
Spoil your pup with an artfully arranged charcuterie board of jerky strips, baked biscuits, and pet-safe crudités. What more could a four-legged foodie want?
Can Cats Eat Bread?
Go ahead and give your carb-loving cat a few bites, but don’t hand over the bread basket.
The brand’s plant-based, protein-packed dog food and treats are sure to satisfy your pup’s appetite and your sustainability concerns.
Make this easy chicken stew for your pup.
Feline Foodies
From umami to kokumi, new research proves cats have pretty discerning palates.
NYC’s only Black- and veteran-owned food truck for dogs is now serving up a moveable feast of human-grade fast food and bone-broth “beer” to So-Cal pups.
A new study reveals a quick fix for your senior cat’s loss of appetite.
10 Healthy “People” Foods for Dogs
You might be surprised that these common health foods are totally safe for pups.
From cricket kibble to miso mice, leading brands are exploring how sustainable pet food products can reduce carbon paw prints.
Cats are obligate carnivores — that we know. But do they need to eat like wild animals? We asked a holistic vet about the pros and cons of primal diets.
The LA wellness guru talks to a holistic veterinarian about the best diet for dogs with allergies and why grain-free food gets a bad rap.
The Scoop on Human-Grade Dog Food
For starters, yes, it’s good enough to eat.
Give your pup their daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids and other crucial nutrients with this fresh, easy-to-make recipe.
Behind the Brand: Cat Person
The burgeoning start-up is creating cat food and furniture for modern pet parents.
A homemade family favorite.
Putting homemade dog foods to the test