Can Dogs Eat Walnuts?
Just because they want to eat everything, doesn't mean they necessarily should.
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Kibble or canned? Fresh or dehydrated? Human-grade?! We’ll help you choose the best pet food on the market.
Just because they want to eat everything, doesn't mean they necessarily should.
Why plain cucumbers are safer.
There's a reason why it's not normally in dog food. Here’s how to make it safe for your pup.
So, you have a new, tiny family member? Well, we’ll help you track their growth, keep an eye on their health, and even predict how not-so-tiny they’ll become. Just add their weight to start.
Start Chartingopens in a new tabWhy this snack could make a good addition to your dog’s diet.
It’s not exactly an easy answer.
Fruit salad, anyone?
Read this before sharing your snack with your dog.
It’s best to think twice about bringing this snack near your dog.
They act like a Sour Patch Kid sometimes, after all.
Pet health question that’s not an emergency? Our vet team will answer over email within 48 hours. So, go ahead, ask us about weird poop, bad breath, and everything in between.
Pothos is toxic to dogs but rarely fatal.
Learn if they can get in on some of your salad.
What’s good for the pet parent isn’t always good for their kitty.
Because wanting to eat everything and being able to eat everything are two very different things.
Spoiler alert: It’s not necessarily good for your dehydrated dog.
Yes... but should they?
If we could give our pets infinite treats, we would. But this tool will tell you the right amount to feed your friend.
Get Calculatingopens in a new tabTechnically, yes, but here’s why it’s not recommended.
It’s jam-packed with vitamins, after all.
They seem awfully interested in meal prep.
They are awfully interested in your smoothie.
If they’re even interested, that is.
Breakfast, anyone?
A salty treat, anyone?
They’ll be happy with this answer.
They deserve all those good omega-3s too, right?
’Tis the season.
They want to munch on that crudité platter.
Nope. Here’s why.
They’re definitely curious about what you’re chopping over there on the cutting board...
If they want some, that is.
And what you should consider in their everyday diet.
And why it shouldn’t be the main ingredient in their food.
The better question is if they like them.
Here’s why this fiber-filled fruit is a healthy treat for your dog.
In moderation, strawberries are a tasty, healthy treat for your pup.
Just don’t get out the guacamole bowl.
To quote Scar, “I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts.” But can dogs snack on them?
The sweet-and-salty treat is OK in moderation.
Yes, strawberries are a nutritious treat for dogs.
They’re a nutritious treat for dogs. Here’s why.
Yep—blueberries are a fiber and antioxidant-packed snack for your pup.
One of the sweetest summer treats.
Some parts of the fruit salad are a no-go (ahem, grapes). What about this melon?
They don’t go for citrus the same way you do. Here’s why.
Hopefully the answer is yes, because telling them no is the pits.
They sure would like some of your farmers’ market haul.
They want to cool down, too!
Fat-peach season at the farmers’ market is upon us.
It’s the best fruit of the season, after all.
They’re great for the cheese plate, and your pup wants to try some.
The question should be: Do they want to?
If they snag one or two at the potluck, it’s fine, but here’s why they shouldn’t get their own bowl to regularly chow down on.
It’s already hot out there, after all.
Kitties want a little salad, too.
It’s the season of tropical-fruit salads after all.
Why you should never let a dog make a chew toy out of this food at a barbecue.
It’s the king of sides, but definitely not for your dog. Read why.
It is the perfect healthy treat for you, but what about them?
It can be a fruit with an acquired taste, but can your pup... acquire it?
They want in on those barbecue bites...
They just want a little treat.
Summer is here, after all.
Like vampires, they should stay far away. Here’s why.
Find out of if your kitty can come to the barbecue this summer.
They may want a taste this summer, but read this first.
They shouldn’t share your broccoli cheddar soup, but...
They’re not technically dangerous, but they’re not ideal.
It’s about to be barbecue season, but that doesn’t mean your pup should take part.
Here’s why they can chomp on these veggies all they want.
They just want a little bite...
It’s a kitty favorite, but your dog can have a bite, too.
The yummy treat is safe and full of antioxidants.
We already know they’re scared of them, thanks to all those YouTube videos.
Peanuts are a great occasional protein-packed snack, but pay attention to this guidance.
No isn’t a strong enough answer here. Learn why.
We know they are your adorable little potato, but can they snack on one?
Butter isn’t toxic to your cat—but despite what they tell you, they really shouldn’t eat it.
Asparagus is a healthy snack for pups, but keep these tips in mind.
They’re not toxic, but you don’t wanna overdo it.
Find out if the yummy fruit is safe to share.
A small amount is fine—but keep a close eye on the ingredients list.
Find out how to feed your pup yams safely.
Why plain cucumbers are safer.
There's a reason why it's not normally in dog food. Here’s how to make it safe for your pup.
Why this snack could make a good addition to your dog’s diet.
Fruit salad, anyone?
Read this before sharing your snack with your dog.
It’s best to think twice about bringing this snack near your dog.
They act like a Sour Patch Kid sometimes, after all.
Pothos is toxic to dogs but rarely fatal.
It shouldn’t be their main course. Here’s why.
What’s good for the pet parent isn’t always good for their kitty.
Yes, eggs are a nutritious treat for dogs.
Yes... but should they?
It’s jam-packed with vitamins, after all.
Yep—this crunchy, sweet vegetable is a great addition to your dog’s diet.
Gwen Stefani taught us how to spell it, but can we feed this fruit to our cats?
They are awfully interested in your smoothie.
It might be comfort food for you, but not for your pup.
Before you invite them to the Thanksgiving table, here’s what you should know.
If they’re even interested, that is.
Add it to the list of healthy human superfoods pups can eat, too.
Just a sprinkle. Is that OK?
Breakfast, anyone?
A salty treat, anyone?
They’ll be happy with this answer.
They deserve all those good omega-3s too, right?
The superfood is delicious, and it’s a natural remedy for some common pup ailments.
’Tis the season.
They want to munch on that crudité platter.
Nope. Here’s why.
They’re definitely curious about what you’re chopping over there on the cutting board...
If they want some, that is.
From kale to quinoa, these nutrient-packed picks deserve a spot in your dog’s food bowl.
And what you should consider in their everyday diet.
And why it shouldn’t be the main ingredient in their food.
The better question is if they like them.
Here’s why this fiber-filled fruit is a healthy treat for your dog.
In moderation, strawberries are a tasty, healthy treat for your pup.
Just don’t get out the guacamole bowl.
To quote Scar, “I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts.” But can dogs snack on them?
Jack-o’-lantern not required.
Pineapple is a healthy, sweet treat for dogs—as long as you feed it to your pup in moderation.
The sweet-and-salty treat is OK in moderation.
Yes, strawberries are a nutritious treat for dogs.
They’re a nutritious treat for dogs. Here’s why.
Yep—blueberries are a fiber and antioxidant-packed snack for your pup.
One of the sweetest summer treats.
Some parts of the fruit salad are a no-go (ahem, grapes). What about this melon?
Yes, yogurt is a safe and healthy treat for dogs.
They don’t go for citrus the same way you do. Here’s why.
Bite-size pieces of ripe, red tomatoes are safe—but you should skip the marinara sauce.
Hopefully the answer is yes, because telling them no is the pits.
They sure would like some of your farmers’ market haul.
They want to cool down, too!
Fat-peach season at the farmers’ market is upon us.
It’s the best fruit of the season, after all.
They’re great for the cheese plate, and your pup wants to try some.
If they snag one or two at the potluck, it’s fine, but here’s why they shouldn’t get their own bowl to regularly chow down on.
It’s already hot out there, after all.
Kitties want a little salad, too.
It’s the season of tropical-fruit salads after all.
Why you should never let a dog make a chew toy out of this food at a barbecue.
It’s the king of sides, but definitely not for your dog. Read why.
It is the perfect healthy treat for you, but what about them?
It can be a fruit with an acquired taste, but can your pup... acquire it?
Summer is here, after all.
They may want a taste this summer, but read this first.
They’re not technically dangerous, but they’re not ideal.
Here’s why they can chomp on these veggies all they want.
It’s a kitty favorite, but your dog can have a bite, too.
The yummy treat is safe and full of antioxidants.
Yep—but the plainer, the better. Here’s why.
No, no, no. Absolutely not. Here’s why.
No isn’t a strong enough answer here. Learn why.
There are some caveats to be aware of.
Sure, they can have a bite—if they want one.
We know they are your adorable little potato, but can they snack on one?
Butter isn’t toxic to your cat—but despite what they tell you, they really shouldn’t eat it.
Asparagus is a healthy snack for pups, but keep these tips in mind.
They’re not toxic, but you don’t wanna overdo it.
Find out if the yummy fruit is safe to share.
A small amount is fine—but keep a close eye on the ingredients list.
They definitely want to...
A few kernels are fine—but keep it off the cob.
These puffy delights are non-toxic to our puffy delights (aka cats) but that doesn’t mean they should have s’more (get it?).
We know they want to — but how much is safe?
A few kernels won’t hurt, but think twice before doling out a bowl of the stuff.
We know they’re begging—but what’s safe to share?
Here’s why you should keep your pup far, far away from this nut.
You love the spice in your mulled wine and cider. Learn if your cat can enjoy it.
Vets want them to steer clear. Here’s why.
It’s the perfect festive treat for the holidays. But definitely not for your dog—learn why.
Here’s how to celebrate safely with your pet as you gather with friends and family.
Your winter farmers’ market is full of the stuff. Find out if your dog can have some.
From turkey to stuffing, find out which festive foods it’s safe to sneak your pup from the table.
That might be what you’re having for the holidays, but read here to see if your dog can partake.
The delicious fruit is safe in moderation.
Careful — cooked chicken is way safer for your kitty.
A little tomato’s safe — with some important caveats.
Find out how to safely get your pup their greens.
Is your pup a seafood fan? Find out everything you need to know about feeding them shrimp.
It’s a classic kitty snack, but don’t go overboard.
From turkey to mince pies, Brussels sprouts to parsnips, find out which festive foods it’s safe to sneak your pup from the table
A warm bowl of rice is your cat’s version of comfort food.
They want to enjoy movie night, too, you know.
Learn whether your little Bugs Bunny can crunch on the veggie.
They’re definitely pulling for the answer to be an emphatic “yes,” but...not so fast.
This is one you’ll want to bookmark.
Yes, Oranges are a Nutritious Treat for Dogs
Pass the fruit bowl — it’s treat time.
They shouldn’t exactly have their paw constantly in the honey jar, but the sweet stuff can be beneficial in some cases.
Yep, you can share watermelon with your pup — but there are a few safety tips to keep in mind.
Yes, watermelon is a nutritious treat for cats.
The answer is no, no, no, and here’s why.
Hold the avo toast, please.
Indulge your pup (safely) with these delicious and healthy snacks.
It’s a human cooking staple, but your cat shouldn’t indulge.
Skip the green eggs, but ham is OK — with a couple caveats.
Elvis famously loved peanut butter. So, can your “Hound dog” lap it up, too?
The short answer: yes — in moderation. It’s better to go easy on this carb-heavy treat.
Yep — bananas are a healthy and delicious treat for your pup.
This healthy snack for humans isn't so healthy for your pup. Here's why it's best to avoid them.
Save the charcuterie for the humans.
Go ahead and serve up the superfood — with a couple caveats.
Yep — this superfood is good for your dog in small amounts.
Yes, but the fruit might not hold much a-peel.
Go ahead and give your carb-loving cat a few bites, but don’t hand over the bread basket.
You might be surprised that these common health foods are totally safe for pups.
Give your pup their daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids and other crucial nutrients with this fresh, easy-to-make recipe.
Too much sourdough starter? No problem! Expand your baking routine to include treats for the pups.