Articles by Catherine Fahy Green

Catherine Fahy Green
Catherine Fahy Green is a journalist turned PR specialist whose work appears in numerous places as press releases and stories about fun products people should try. She lives with her family in Western Massachusetts where she listens closely to the stories her dogs, chickens, and horses tell her.
- behavior
5 Reasons Why Your Dog Eats Sticks
Do they taste good? Do they like the texture? Are they just being weird? We have some answers.
Do they taste good? Do they like the texture? Are they just being weird? We have some answers.
When to be concerned and what to do about it.
- behavior
How to Stop Your Dog From Marking in the House
Because the corner of the couch really does look better without a recurring pee stain on it.
Because the corner of the couch really does look better without a recurring pee stain on it.
We break down the facts.
It’s gross, but someone’s gotta pick it up.
- behavior
8 Reasons Your Dog is Standing on You and What to Do About It
Oh, hey, bud. Wasn’t expecting that.
Oh, hey, bud. Wasn’t expecting that.
What’s wrong, buddy?
Sometimes, it’s more than just some tight muscles.
- behavior
Why Does Your Cat Bite Your Ankles—and What to Do About It
When your cat is cute, but their behavior isn’t.
When your cat is cute, but their behavior isn’t.
Those are clean clothes, bud, but sure.
Find out everything you need to know.
It’s not gonna change itself!
- behavior
How to Train Your Puppy to Stop Barking as Soon as Possible
Follow this guide for a calm and content puppy.
Follow this guide for a calm and content puppy.
- nutrition
new test article
- behavior | Why, Cat?!
Why Does Your Cat Run Away From You?
Cats may be curious creatures—but we have some answers.
Cats may be curious creatures—but we have some answers.