Articles by Patricia McConnell, PhD
- behavior
Male vs. Female Dogs: Are There Any Real Differences?
World-renowned behaviorist Patricia McConnell explains.
World-renowned behaviorist Patricia McConnell explains.
It actually has a lot to do with genetics.
- behavior
Please, Oh Please, Stop Perpetuating the Dominance Dog Theory
The idea of being a dog’s “alpha” is a popular one — but it’s not an effective way to train.
The idea of being a dog’s “alpha” is a popular one — but it’s not an effective way to train.
“No touch-y!”
- behavior
How to Cure Your Dog’s Case of the Everyday Scaries
There’s nothing to fear but fear itself — and a dog who won’t stop shaking when it thunders.
There’s nothing to fear but fear itself — and a dog who won’t stop shaking when it thunders.
- behavior
Does Your Dog Have Therapy Dog Potential?
Renowned animal behaviorist Patricia McConnell, PhD, on what it takes to be a great therapy dog.
Renowned animal behaviorist Patricia McConnell, PhD, on what it takes to be a great therapy dog.
Can you bet against your dog’s nature and win?
- lifestyle
A Dog by Any Other Name
The science and art of naming your dog — sometimes, what you say is what you get.
The science and art of naming your dog — sometimes, what you say is what you get.
Positive reinforcement is in the eye of the beholder