How to Spot the Difference Between Male and Female Cats
There’s more to it than what you learned in health class.
If you are considering adopting a cat, you may be wondering about the differences between genders and which gender makes the best companion. There are some obvious differences between male and female cats, especially if they have not been spayed or neutered. These differences are primarily related to certain physical attributes.
However, when it comes to cats who have been spayed and neutered, these differences are harder to spot and, in many cases, may be almost non-existent. The truth is that there are very few generalizations that hold true for all cats of each gender, so it is always best to get to know the cat opens in a new tabyou are thinking of adopting and select the cat best suited to your personality and lifestyle.
Read on to learn more about the differences between male and female cats.
Main takeaways
There are differences between male and female cats in both their physical and behavioral traits.
These differences are much more muted in cats who have been spayed and neutered and who live indoors.
The generalizations about gender don’t apply to all individual cats so be sure not to make assumptions based on gender alone.
There are important health considerations to keep in mind depending on whether you have a male or female cat.
The main differences between male and female cats
The biggest differences between male and female cats are physical. To state the obvious, male cats have a penis while female cats have a vagina. Physically, males tend to be larger and heavier, while females are often more petite. Males who are not neutered tend to have larger heads with big, full cheeks.
Behaviorally, male cats are reported to be more territorial and can show more aggression if they are not neutered. However, many other variables influence the behavior of cats, so it is not possible to differentiate between male and female cats based on their behaviors alone.
Pros and cons of male vs. female cats
For cats who are intact, meaning not spayed or neutered, there are some general considerations to keep in mind. For example, intact male cats tend to:
have more of a desire to roam and will try to sneak outside looking to mate
are more at risk of getting injured when they are out roaming
tend to get into more fights with other cats over territorial competitions
Intact female cats will:
go into heat routinely, which also entices them to escape to look for mates
be very vocal and needy when in heat, which some pet parents find distressing
be likely to get pregnant if they encounter a male cat, adding the complication of a litter of kittens that you may need to care for unexpectedly.
However, many other factors influence cats’ behavior and their likelihood of being a good companion. When it comes to personality, so much is based on factors such as how well a cat has been socialized, their breed and genetics, and individual personalities, regardless of their gender.
Physical differences between male and female cats
Male and female cats who are intact tend to have more physical differences in their appearances. When cats are spayed and neutered before puberty, these differences tend to be minimal or even non-existent. This includes:
Size and weight
As a general rule, male cats tend to be larger and heavier than female cats. Breed and overall health also play a big role in their size, though. You can expect the average female Maine Coon to be much larger than a male Siamese, for example. Similarly, cats who have access to good preventative health care and adequate nutrition will grow much larger than stray cats who are getting by on whatever they can scavenge.
External genitalia is the most obvious way to distinguish male and female cats. Intact males will have testicles that are easily seen under their tails. All male cats also have a penis that is visible externally, while female cats have a vagina. The distance between the anus and penis in male cats is greater than the distance between the anus and vulva in female cats. The overall shape of their external genitalia is also different, with males having a tubular-shaped penis that can be extruded by pressing gently on the surrounding skin.
Female cats who have had kittens tend to have enlarged mammary glands, with all the nipples on their belly becoming swollen and more visible, especially if they are actively lactating.
Face and body shape
Gender can also have an impact on a cat’s overall appearance. Intact male cats will have large, rounded heads with prominent jowls and larger overall bodies. Chubby cheeks develop after puberty and will linger in male cats who are neutered after reaching sexual maturity. Cats who are neutered early in life will not develop these large cheeks, however.
Color variations
Some coat colorsopens in a new tab are linked to gender. Orange coat coloropens in a new tab, calico, and tortoiseshell markings are linked to the X chromosome. Since males only inherit one X chromosome, if they have one copy of the gene for orange coat color on their X chromosome, they will be orange. Since females have two X chromosomes, they need to inherit two copies of this gene in order to be orange, and this is why there are more male orange cats than females. When female cats inherit only one copy of this gene, their coat will be some variation of tortoiseshell or calico. Nearly all tortoiseshell and calico cats are female since this requires two copies of the X chromosome.
Behavioral differences between male and female cats
The most consistent behavioral differences between male and female cats are influenced by their hormones and their drive to reproduce. Therefore, cats who are intact and live outdoors in colonies with other cats tend to have the most dramatic behavior differences between the genders. For cats who are spayed and neutered and live indoors, much of the drive for these reproductive behaviors disappears, limiting the influence of gender on their behavior.
Additionally, keep in mind that behavior and temperament are influenced by so many other factors aside from gender and are highly specific to each individual cat.
Territorial behavior
Intact male cats are known to be more territorial, with a tendency to roam and defend their territory. This leads to more fights between intact male cats,and injuries from battle wounds as well as trauma from roaming outdoors, including hit-by-car accidents. Intact male cats are also more likely to spray urine as a way of marking their territory. Neutering your catopens in a new tab and keeping them indoors will reduce all of these behaviors significantly.
There are no documented gender differences in playfulness between male and female cats. This is a trait that is most influenced by an individual cat’s behavior, as well as how much they were socialized as kittens, and whether they have learned to play in the ways we are accustomed to.
Affection toward caregivers
This is also not a gender-based trait but is highly influenced by socialization and the age at which cats interact with humans. Cats who are handled by humans regularly in early kittenhood opens in a new tabare most likely to show affection towards humans and engage in behaviors such as following them around, snuggling on the couch, and greeting their favorite humans at the door. Gender only plays a role in that intact male cats tend to have more testosterone than other cats, which can make them behave more aggressively towards humans as well as other cats.
Mating and breeding behavior
Mating and breeding behaviors are highly influenced by sex hormones. Both male and female cats have a strong drive to reproduce. For intact males, this leads them to want to roam and search for mates, so they will often try to sneak out of the house to do so. For intact female cats, their heat cyclesopens in a new tab can be very intense. This is when they are receptive to mating, leading them to be very vocal, needy, and also intent on sneaking out of the house to search for a mate. Spaying and neutering eliminates the bulk of these behaviors, especially if it is done earlier in life before cats reach sexual maturity.
Intact male cats are more likely to be aggressive in their attempt to defend their territory. Intact male cats tend to fight with one another and some studies have reported intact male cats show more aggression towards people as well.
Urine spraying is typically done by intact male cats as a way to mark their territory. However, both male and female cats can spray urine. Spraying indoorsopens in a new tab by spayed or neutered cats is often a sign of behavioral stress, such as competition between cats, anxiety, or medical problems.
Should I spay or neuter my cat regardless of gender?
Yes, you should spay or neuter your cat because spaying and neuteringopens in a new tab have many important influences on both behavior and health. First, many of the undesirable behaviors associated with intact cats can be avoided if they are spayed and neutered. Second, cats who are intact are at higher risk for certain health problems, including certain cancers.Male vs. female cat health concerns
For cats who are intact, there are a number of health problems associated with gender. First, female cats who get pregnant can be at risk for complications, including dystocia, or difficulty giving birth, as well as uterine infections known as pyometra and mammary gland infections known as mastitis. They are also at a much higher risk for mammary cancer,opens in a new tab which tends to be very aggressive in female cats. All female cats are at risk for urinary tract infectionsopens in a new tab due to the proximity of the vagina to the anus.
Intact male cats are at an increased risk of injury due to their tendency to roam and fight with other male cats. This can put them at risk for hit-by-car accidents as well as wounds and infections from fighting. All male cats are also at an increased risk for urinary obstruction due to their anatomy since they have a long, narrow urethra that can be more easily blocked by small particles in the urine.
Are there differences between male vs. female cat lifespan?
Female cats tend to live longer than male cats. Despite this statistic, lifestyle and overall health have a far greater impact on lifespan opens in a new tab than gender. Intact males tend to roam and fight, increasing their risk for injury and infection. Intact females are at higher risk for mammary cancer and uterine infections. Outdoor cats of either gender face more danger and have shorter life spans compared to indoor cats. Cats who are unvaccinated and don’t receive routine preventative veterinary care opens in a new tabalso do not live as long as those who receive regular veterinary care.
What research has been done on male vs female cats?
Research has identified the that most consistent differences between male and female cats are tied to physical traits such as:
body size
body weight
frequency of specific diseases
These measurements help establish averages and disease risk factors.
Well-designed research studies have also demonstrated that personality traits do not seem to be directly influenced by gender and that factors like socialization have a much bigger impact.
Should you get a male or female cat? Factors to consider
When deciding between adopting a male or female cat, there’s no right or wrong answer. If you are looking for certain aesthetics, such as a bigger cat, a more petite cat, or cats with certain color patterns, this may influence which gender you focus on. When it comes to personality, however, there are no guarantees, so it's best to adopt the cat who clicks with youopens in a new tab rather than looking for one of a specific gender.
Are male or female cats more affectionate?
Research has also shown that when it comes to a cat's level of affection, early handling, socialization, and genetics are far more impactful than gender. Therefore, it makes more sense to consider each cat as an individual with a unique personality and temperament.
What combination of cats get along better?
In the wild, female cats form cooperative colonies to aid in caring for kittens, but this acceptance isn’t automatically extended to every cat. Cats of either gender are capable of being the best of friends or bitterest of enemies.
Regardless of gender, cats who grow up together are more likely to bond than cats introduced as adults. That doesn’t mean that adult cats can’t become friends, however. When introducing adult cats, those who have been spayed or neutered tend to get along much better than cats who are still intact. Hormones drive a lot of aggressive and undesirable behaviors.
If you’re considering adding another cat to the mix, just be sure to make a proper introductionopens in a new tab.
Is there a difference in grooming needs between male and female cats?
No, grooming needs are most influenced by the length of a cat’s fur, with long-haired cats needing more care, as well as breed-specific traitsopens in a new tab that influence the type of fur and grooming capabilities. For example, brachycephalic breeds with smushed faces, like Persians, will have more difficulty grooming themselves and will need more care.
Is it better to have a female or male cat?
There is no objective answer to this question; the personality of an individual cat will be much more likely to influence their compatibility. Gender will influence reproductive considerations, however, so if you definitely do not want your cat to have kittens, do not get an intact female cat unless you plan to have her spayed.
Are boy or girl cats calmer?
There is no clear-cut answer to this question, as behavior is influenced by many factors aside from gender alone. However, cats who are intact will be more influenced by their hormones, and intact male cats tend to be more territorial and aggressive toward other cats.
Do male cats spray more than females?
Intact male cats tend to spray more as a way to mark their territory. While neutering helps decrease the incidence of urine spraying, it’s not guaranteed to eliminate the behavior completely. Even spayed and neutered cats can spray urine, and this tends to happen due to stress, such as the introduction of a new pet, competition between pets in the home, and/or anxiety.
Should I spay or neuter my cat regardless of gender?
All cats should be spayed or neutered regardless of gender. Spaying and neutering help decrease undesirable behaviors, reduce the risk of certain diseases, and increase overall lifespan.
Barry, Kimberly J, et al. “Gender differences in the social behavior of the neutered indoor-only domestic catopens in a new tab.” Applied Animal Behavior Science, vol. 64, no. 3, July 1999, pp. 193-211.
Bamberger, Michelle, et al. “Signalment factors, comorbidity, and trends in behavior diagnoses in cats: 736 cases (1991–2001)opens in a new tab.” J Am Vet Med Assoc, vol. 229, no. 10, November 2006, pp. 1602-1606.
Bradshaw, John. “Sociality in cats: A comparative reviewopens in a new tab.” Journal of Veterinary Behavior, vol. 11, 2016, pp. 113-124.
Koyasu, Hikari, et al. “Sociality of Cats toward Humans Can Be Influenced by Hormonal and Socio-Environmental Factors: Pilot Studyopens in a new tab.” Animals, vol. 13, no. 1, 30 December 2022, pp. 146.
Merenda, Monica Estella Zambon, et al. “Growth Curve and Energy Intake in Male and Female Catsopens in a new tab” Topics in Companion Animal Medicine, vol. 44, 2021.
Pitakarnnop, T, et al. “Feline (opens in a new tab” Anatomy, Histology, Embryology, vol. 46, no. 3, June 2017, pp. 294-303.