Why Does Your Cat Run Sideways? 6 Reasons Why · Kinship

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Do You Have a Scaredy-Cat? Top 6 Reasons Why Your Cat Runs Sideways

It’s odd, but should it be concerning?

Gray cat running around indoors.
Boogich / iStock

Cats are complex, fascinating creatures. They’ll be playing with a toy one moment, and then suddenly do a funny little thing. Their legs will stiffen, their back will arch, their tail will get fluffy, and then they will hop sideways. What’s going on here? We walk you through the many different reasons why a cat will do this sideways run. 

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Six common reasons why cats run sideways

Your cat is playing and having fun.

Running sideways is an indicator that your cat is having a good time. Usually, there’s something that they are aiming for — whether that’s you, a toy, or another cat. That’s when they side-hop into the stance and puff up, circling the thing they want to play with, and then pounce. 

Something startled your cat.

Random things can surprise your cat, like the sound of the vacuum or another cat looking through the window. Getting startled can cause your cat to run sideways and puff up. 

Your cat has the zoomies.

The zoomies are a sudden burst of energy that your cat gets. It’s especially common in kittens and young cats, who’ll propel around a room. This energy may also cause them to run sideways. 

Your cat is scared.

While running sideways can be associated with play and excitement, like other cat behavior, it can also manifest out of fear. If your cat is scared of something, they may move sideways and make themselves look larger by arching their back (to make whatever has frightened them see them as a potential threat). The sideways run is a way to escape their enemy in a controlled way. 

Your cat is angry.

Running sideways can also be a sign that your cat is mad about something. While all the beats are the same — going sideways and puffing themselves up to look bigger — the intention behind the action is different. 

You can see this in their tail. When a cat is scared, their tail appears straight and stiff. But when they are angry, their tail may be flicking with annoyance and their body language may be saying that they are ready to attack. If you’ve made your cat angry, give them some time to calm down before you try to give them attention. 

Medical condition or neurological disorder

Some neurological disorders and medical conditions can cause a cat to walk sideways. In particular, cerebellar hypoplasia is a neurological disorder that some cats can contract from their mother during pregnancy. It affects a cat’s cerebellum, which is the part of the brain that controls balance and coordination. Symptoms can include unsteadiness, jerky movements, and tremors that can range from mild to severe. While cerebellar hypoplasia can’t be cured, most cats with the condition can lead relatively normal lives. 

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Why do kittens run sideways?

It is normal for kittens to run sideways. Since they are still getting to know the world around them, they may be fearful of things they are experiencing for the first time or situations that are unfamiliar. However, most of the time when kittens run sideways it is because they are playing and do a little sideways run while they are enjoying their playtime. 

Feline behavior and feeding coach, Jennifer Van de Kieft, owner of Cat Advocate, explains. “I’ve seen this behavior often in kittens and young cats when they are playfully fighting. Running sideways helps to make themselves appear larger, so they do it to trick their enemy that they are bigger than they appear. Kittens and young cats do this frequently when they chase each other during play.” 

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When to see a vet for sideways running

If your cat’s sideways running also includes staggering, stumbling, or falling over, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. This is another reason why it’s important to pay attention to your cat’s body language. “If your cat is young and playful, this is probably fine. If your cat suddenly starts to do this and it seems odd, they might be hurt and you should get it checked out,” Van de Kieft says. 

Bottom line

  • There are many reasons why cats run sideways — many of them are based in play, especially for kittens and younger cats. 

  • However, the behavior can also signal fear or anger. 

  • Be sure to pay attention to your cat’s body language to see if sideways running may be associated with a potential medical issue. 


Why is my cat running weirdly?

Your cat may be running weirdly due to a case of the zoomies, an unexpected burst of energy that causes them to bounce off the walls suddenly. It’s a totally normal behavior for cats, but just make sure this isn’t associated with a change in behavior like lethargy. If that’s the case, you should give your veterinarian a call. 

Why is my cat walking slanted?

There are many reasons why a cat is walking slanted. It could be vestibular disease, which is a disease that creates a loss of balance and can be caused by many things including ear infections. Other conditions such as ataxia, spinal disease, and angular limb deformities could also be reasons why your cat is walking slanted. 

Why does my cat gallop instead of run?

The zoomies can cause a cat to gallop instead of run because of the sudden burst of energy, which can be caused by their natural hunting instincts. Galloping mimics the way a cat pounces on its prey and can happen during playtime, zoomies, or any release of energy.

Kerensa Cadenas

Kerensa Cadenas is a writer based in New York. She’s previously worked at The Cut, Thrillist, Cosmopolitan, and Complex. Her work has been featured in Vulture, GQ, Vanity Fair, and others.