How to Get Rid of Cat Pee Smell—Cleaning Tips · Kinship

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How to Get Rid of Cat Pee Smell

Dream big, folks—because it’s possible.

Woman cleaning up her cat's mess on the floor.
CasarsaGuru / Stocksy

Cats are all unique. They have different personalities, different colors, different patterns. But the one thing they all have in common? Their pee stinks. 

If you’re a pet parent to a cat, you’ve likely found yourself wondering — perhaps more than once — how to get rid of cat-pee smell. Even the best-behaved cat might have an accident, be stressed out, or their litter might not be doing the best job. If you’ve ever found yourself trying to get rid of cat-pee smell, you’re in luck, because we are here to help. 

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Main takeaways

  • Cat pee smells so bad due to its high urea content, which breaks down into ammonia. 

  • Cats can use their pee to communicate with other cats.

  • Enzyme-based cleaners break down the ammonia smell and make cat pee less potent.

  • Cats may pee outside of the litter box due to stress, discomfort, or illness.

Why cat urine is so potent

All pee smells bad, but cat urine is particularly potent. You’re not just imagining things — it’s deliberate. Says Josh Weisenfeld, CEO and founder of the litter subscription service Boxie Cat, “Cat urine contains a piercingly overwhelming smell because it contains a highly concentrated amount of urea, a chemical compound in urine that eventually breaks down into ammonia.”

Additionally, because cats are obligate carnivores, their pee can smell extra strong. Cat behaviorist Lucy Hoile adds that there is an evolutionary element. “Cats use urine for communication,” she says. “The scent and pheromones present in the urine contain information about the cat, so they can use urine marking to find out about other cats in the area without having to meet and risk a physical fight.”

Why do cats pee outside the litter box?

If you have the right litter, you won’t smell cat pee too much. However, your cat may have an accident outside of the litter box. “Cats tend to urinate outside the litter box because of stress, health issues, or not being happy with the litter box arrangement,” Weisenfeld says. “Changes in their environment, such as moving homes or introducing new pets, can also be a source of stress,” he adds. Sometimes, it can be as simple as not cleaning the litter box enough or placing it in an inconvenient location.

However, every so often, they may pee outside their litter box because they are unwell. Urinary tract infections, bladder stones, or kidney problems make urination painful and can cause the cat to associate the litter box with discomfort. Hoile adds that if your cat keeps peeing outside of the litter box, they should see a vet. Additionally, she says, “Stress can cause cats to pee outside the litter box, so it’s important to find out if the cat is worried by anything in their environment.”

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Products that remove the smell of cat pee

Accidents happen. When they do, you need to turn to the right products to remove that pernicious cat pee smell. 

Enzyme-based cleaners

If you can get your hands on them, enzymatic cleaners are a “saving grace,” says Weisenfeld. “They break down the odorific compounds in the urine rather than masking them.” Products such as Nature's Miracle, Rocco, Roxie Stain & Odor Eliminator, and Angry Orange work especially well. 

Vinegar and baking soda

If you’re looking for a natural alternative that you can find at home, white vinegar and baking soda can break down the smells of cat pee and neutralize the odor in your home.

Hydrogen peroxide and dish soap

If a spot isn’t going to be affected by bleach, you can try mixing hydrogen peroxide with dish soap and spritzing it on the stain. It’ll destroy the smell and clean the area thoroughly. 

Essential oils

If you want to go all-natural but still tackle that pee scent, you can try essential oils. Lavender neutralizes ammonia, while the scent of peppermint can deter your cat from peeing in a less-than-ideal place. Just mix a few drops with water to make a spray. 

How to get rid of cat pee smell

So, your cat has peed somewhere they’re not supposed to. Here’s what you need to do.

1. Locate the source of the urine smell.

Most importantly, you need to locate the source of that potent pee smell. Easy enough — just follow your nose until you (whether you want to or not) find it. 

2. Blot the area to absorb urine.

You need to blot the area with a dry cloth or kitchen towel to absorb any urine that’s still lingering. Don’t stop until your towel is dry. 

3. Neutralize the odor using a product.

Next, spray the patch with your odor-neutralizing spray of choice. Make sure it’s thoroughly soaked. You really want to win the fight against that scent. 

4. Repeat the cleaning until the odor is gone.

Rub the sprayed patch with a clean cloth and keep spraying until the odor is gone. It might take a few goes, but it will go away eventually. 

How to clean cat pee off different surfaces

Different surfaces require different cleaning approaches. Here’s how to clean cat pee off of common surfaces. 

How to get cat pee smell out of carpet

“For carpets, first soak up as much of the urine as one can, and then apply an enzymatic cleaner, allowing it to sit the recommended length of time before blotting dry,” says Weisenfeld. Hoile agrees, but adds that after soaking up the pee and spraying with an enzymatic cleaner, you should also spray the area with surgical spirit (a mix of alcohol and water used for wound cleaning).

How to get cat pee smell out of cushions

Weisenfeld says that you should remove cushion covers and treat both fabric and foam with the cleaner, if possible. Hoile adds that any fabric that can be placed in a washing machine can be washed with biological washing powder to break down the enzymes.

How to get cat pee smell out of a mattress

If your cat has an accident on your mattress, you should treat it similarly to a carpet. Soak up the pee, spray it with a cleaner of choice, and blot it until it’s gone. Unfortunately, it may soak deeper into the mattress, which may be something you have to deal with again.

How to get cat pee smell out of clothing

If your cat pees on your clothes, quickly put them in the washing machine with biological cleaner to break down the enzymes. Luckily, clothes are one of the easiest things from which you can remove that cat pee smell.

How to get cat pee smell out of wood

Unfortunately, wood isn’t so easy. Hoile says that with wood and similar surfaces, if the pee has soaked in, it may need to be completely replaced. Weisenfeld adds that, with wood, it’s crucial to clean the spot quickly to prevent staining or warping. “Use a cleaner safe for wood surfaces and avoid soaking it too much. Always test any product on a small, hidden area to make sure it won’t damage the material,” he says.

How to prevent cat pee smells in the future

Accidents do happen, but it’s understandable that after you’ve salvaged your furniture or clothing, you want to avoid any future cat-pee incidents. Luckily, there are many ways to address this issue. “Preventing this behavior involves addressing the underlying cause,” Weisenfeld says. 

Regular litter box maintenance

The most important preventative measure is regular litter-box maintenance. “Make sure your cat has a clean, available litter box in a quiet location, and one more litter box than the number of cats in the household,” says Weisenfeld. Hoile agrees: “Making sure the cat is happy with the litter box is important. All cats are different and so prefer different things when it comes to litter boxes.” It can help, she says, to provide a few different types of litter and boxes, and see which ones your cat prefers. “Keeping it clean is essential, scooping daily,” she adds.

Behavioral strategies

There are some behavioral strategies you can use to address your cat’s accidents. “If stress is the problem, make their environment as comforting as possible, with a lot of places to hide and vertical space to retreat to,” Weisenfeld says. “Regular playtime and enriching activities can help reduce stress and other unwanted behaviors as well.”

Using odor neutralizers

While it may be tempting to cover up the smell of cat pee, it’s actually not the most effective long-term solution. Says Hoile, “You should avoid using anything to mask the smell such as air fresheners or diffusers.” It’s better to tackle the issue at its root.

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Will cat pee smell eventually go away?

While it may seem as if cat pee smell will never leave your nose, let alone your home, it does go away. However, you need to work to fight the issue. “The scent of cat urine won’t go away on its own. In fact, it tends to be much more pungent over time as the urine degrades,” Weisenfeld says. “When the odor may not be as overpowering to us, remember that cats have a strong sense of smell, and this can result in marking the spot again. That’s why deep cleaning with a development formulated to break down the odor at a molecular level is paramount.”

Can cat pee smell be washed out?

Yes, luckily, cat pee can be washed out. In these cases, an enzymatic or biological cleaner is your best bet to fight the odor and stains. 

How do I make my house not smell like cat pee?

If your home smells like cat pee and your cat isn’t having accidents, there may be an issue with your litter box. Cat pee is quite pungent, so if you don’t have the right litter or aren’t cleaning the box regularly, your home may smell like cat pee.

a girl wearing sunglasses hugs her small dog to her

Marianne Eloise

Marianne Eloise is a writer for outlets like The Cut, the Guardian and the New York Times. She is also the author of an essay collection Obsessive, Intrusive, Magical Thinking. She has been going on adventures with her dog Bowie since she was 17.