Can Cats Drink Almond Milk? And Should They? · Kinship

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Can Cats Drink Almond Milk?

Yes... but should they?

Orange cat staring at a glass of milk on the table.
Panther Media GmbH / Alamy Stock Photo

While almond milk is not toxic to cats, there is no real benefit in providing it and is therefore not recommended as a regular treat for them. It provides no nutritional value, and cats require very specific ingredients in their diet to ensure they are healthy. This includes animal-based proteins, fats, and amino acids like taurine, none of which are contained in almond milk.  

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Are there any benefits to giving a cat almond milk?

Cats receive no benefit from drinking almond milk. Almond milk is made mostly of water and may contain added sugars, flavoring, and preservatives, which may be harmful to your cat. 

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Is almond milk safe for cats?

Almond milk may not be safe for cats depending on the following:

Almond milk may have sweeteners

Sweeteners are not only not beneficial to your cat, but they may actually be harmful, especially certain artificial sweeteners such as xylitol. 

Almond milk is high in calories

The amount of colors in sweetened almond milk products is not necessary or recommended for your cat, and may contribute to several health conditions, including obesity, diabetes, or gastrointestinal upset. Unsweetened almond milk products contain little to no nutritional value for cats and are therefore not recommended as a treat or part of their regular diet.

Can kittens drink almond milk as a replacement for regular milk?

Many cats are lactose intolerant, meaning they cannot properly digest lactose found in regular milk products. Although it may seem like almond milk is a suitable alternative to regular milk, cats do not require any milk or milk supplements if they are eating a balanced diet appropriate for their life stage.   

What about other plant-based or nut-based milks?

Similar to almond milk, other plant-based or nut-based milk alternatives are not recommended as part of your cat’s diet. These products may contain sugars, artificial sweeteners, and other preservatives that may actually be harmful to your kitty, not to mention that they provide no nutritional value to their health. It is best to avoid these.

Alternatives to plant-based milk for cats

If you’d like to treat your kitty to a special treat, it is best to stick with water with flavoring, such as low sodium chicken broth or the water from a can of tuna. This can be frozen into a cold treat on a hot day or to encourage your kitty to drink water if they tend to avoid drinking. There is commercially available formulated cat milk, which is lactose-free and designed for a cat’s digestive system, if you’d like to give them a milk-like treat. Alternatively, there are many unique, interesting, and tasty treats available for cats that are safer and more nutritious. 

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Can cats drink oat milk?

Oat milk is non-toxic and safe for cats in small quantities, but like almond and other nut or plant-based milk alternatives, it is generally not recommended to be given as a regular part of a cat’s diet. Cats derive little to no nutritional value from oat milk, so it is best to stick to treats formulated specifically for cats.

Can cats drink lactose-free milk?

Although cats can drink lactose-free milk, it can contribute extra calories to their diet that may not be necessary. Additionally, milk does not provide essential nutrients cats need, such as animal-based protein and fats not found in milk. If you do decide to give your cat lactose-free milk, it is best to do so in small amounts. Alternatively, you can elect to treat them to some water flavored with low sodium chicken broth or water from a can of tuna. 

Can cats have almond or coconut milk?

Almond and coconut milk are non-toxic and safe for cats in small quantities, but like oat and other nut or plant-based milk alternatives, it is generally not recommended to be given as a regular part of a cat’s diet. Cats derive little to no nutritional value from almond and coconut milk, so it is best to stick to treats formulated specifically for cats. Additionally, artificial sweeteners found in some milk alternatives can be harmful to your cat, so it is best to avoid these if possible.

Are cats lactose intolerant?

Many cats are lactose intolerant and may develop gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting and/or diarrhea if given dairy products containing lactose. There are commercially available lactose-free cat milk products if you would like to give your kitty a milk-like treat. 


Dr. Gabrielle Fadl

Dr. Gabrielle Fadl, DVM

After graduating from Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Fadl returned to the New York area to pursue a one-year rotating internship and has been working in general practice since. Dr. Fadl loves working in the pet space to foster the powerful human-animal bond. She hopes to continually learn and grow to practice the best quality medicine. Her motto is “Keep calm and try to take it as it comes.”