Can Dogs Eat Kiwi? Human Food for Dogs · Kinship

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Can My Dog Eat This?

Can Dogs Eat Kiwi?

If they’re even interested, that is.

Smiling woman caressing adorable Jack Russell Terrier while sitting at table and having morning meal.
Studio Marmellata / Stocksy

A kiwi is a fruit that packs a punch. And for such a small fruit, it has the same amount of potassium as a banana. Did you know California is known for producing 98 percent of the kiwis grown in the United States? Or that the kiwi fruit can also be used as a natural tenderizer for meat? With all that being said: Can dogs eat kiwi. The short answer is yes.

Nutrition facts: Kiwi for dogs

Can dogs eat kiwi?

Yes, it is safe to feed them kiwi once the skin and seeds are removed. Veterinarian Dr. Nell Ostermeier says, “Just start with a small amount to make sure your dog tolerates the fruit. You don’t want to upset their tummy.” Kiwis should be fed in moderation to your pups, and should only be served as a tasty treat.

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Are kiwis completely safe for dogs?

The kiwi fruit is not considered toxic to your pooch, but there are a few things to remember when feeding your dog anything considered “people food.” Start with a small amount first making sure your dog can tolerate the new food. Too much of a good thing can sometimes cause diarrhea, especially if your dog is new to the food. If your dog is known to have any digestive issues, you should avoid trying new things (unless recommended by your vet), and stick to their regular diet to help alleviate any additional issues. 

The good thing about kiwis is that they have a lot of benefits. Kiwis are high in vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. They also have a high water content, so they can be a great added treat on a hot day. 

Kiwi skin is non-toxic to dogs but should be removed before feeding it to them. Kiwi skin is hard to digest, so it can cause some digestive issues such as excess gas or stomach discomfort. Do not allow your dog to swallow a kiwi whole; if swallowed whole, it can be a possible choking hazard for your dog. Swallowing it whole or with the skin could also pose a potential risk for intestinal blockage.

To prep kiwi for your dog, start by washing the fruit to avoid giving your pet any possible pesticides that can be found on the skin. You will then want to remove the skin and seeds. Then, cut the kiwi into bite-sized pieces for your pup.

Other foods that are good for dogs

Other foods that are not good for dogs

The bottom line: Can dogs eat human food?

While dogs can technically eat some human foods such as kiwi, this yummy treat should be given sparingly and alongside a proper dog food diet.

FAQs (People also ask):

Is kiwi skin safe for dogs?

Kiwi skin is non-toxic to dogs but hard to digest, so it should be removed before feeding it to them.

How many kiwis can a dog eat?

A dog should eat only a small amount of kiwi as an additional treat to a dog food diet.

Can dogs eat kiwi?

Yes, dogs can eat kiwi, which are high in vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and water content.


“Kiwi.” Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.

Danielle Vrabel with her dog.

Danielle Vrabel, CPDT-KA

Danielle Vrabel is a dog trainer who earned her CPDT-KA in 2020. Danielle is a proud pet mom of five pets: two dogs, two cats, and a corn snake. Danielle has fostered over 10 dogs and 15 cats/kittens as well as helped train shelter dogs before they are adopted. Both of Danielle’s dogs are pet therapy dogs, where she also volunteers her time helping evaluate future therapy dogs.