Weight Management · Kinship

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weight management

Are chunky pets cute? Yes. Can obesity be a serious health problem for pets? Also yes. So let’s talk weight management tips to get your pet in good shape.

Cute cat waiting to be fed by woman at home.

Before you put your cat on a diet—read this.

Man feeding his two cats at home.

Even if you don’t think they should be.

Woman feeding her kitten from a bowl at home.

Some helpful guidelines to follow.

Nutrition Calculator

If we could give our pets infinite treats, we would. But this tool will tell you the right amount to feed your friend.

Get Calculating
Woman feeding her kitten from a bowl at home.

Guidelines from keeping them full — but not too full.

Discover the ways to get your picky eater to expand their culinary horizons

A dog and a cat eating from the same food dish.

This National Pet Obesity Awareness Day, here are pro tips to help make sure your pet isn’t packing on too many pounds.

Grey cat at looking up from eating on floor at home

The mind-gut connection isn’t just for people. Your dog or cat’s gut microbiome plays a big role in their health and well-being.

Woman feeds gray cat dry food.

While they might not be working on their gains,” there are other reasons this diet could be a good fit.

orange cat being given a small cat food bowl

Sometimes, they actually do need to eat.

Ask a Vet

Pet health question that’s not an emergency? Our vet team will answer over email within 48 hours. So, go ahead, ask us about weird poop, bad breath, and everything in between.

woman feeding cat a treat

Despite what your cat thinks, jerky treats all day, every day, is not the answer.

white cat having dry food added to its feeder

Go ahead, make your morning routine a little easier.

Woman petting her cat

We love a chonky cat, but here’s what you should know.

overweight orange cat

If they’ve lost their hourglass figure, then not that much — according to a veterinary nutritionist.

Woman sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast with her cat eating next to her

A new report finds that one in three dogs and one in seven cats have unhealthy levels of E. coli present in their gut microbiome.

A fat cat lounging on a shelf.

A study found that smart feeders and digital scales are successful tools in cat weight-loss programs.

Growth Charts

So, you have a new, tiny family member? Well, we’ll help you track their growth, keep an eye on their health, and even predict how not-so-tiny they’ll become. Just add their weight to start.

Start Charting
Great Dane dog and Chihuahua dog laying in the grass

We know, our pets grow up too fast. But seriously, how fast is too fast (or slow)? Kinship and Waltham Petcare Science Institute created a simple tool to help your new pet’s growth stay on track.