The Best Toys for Kittens in 2025
They love to play, and you need to keep them busy. Here you go.
Adopting a new kitten can come with a pretty steep learning curve — for both you and your cat. But, between teaching your cat to use the litter boxopens in a new tab and to be obsessed with you, there’s another subject your kitten needs to be schooled in: play.
Play is just as important for a cat’s development as it is for their quality of life. The right toys will keep your kitten’s mind and body active. in addition to being important tools in building your kitten’s life skills such as hunting, prowling, climbing and more.
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opens in a new tabTo learn more, we spoke with cat behaviorist Mikel Delgado opens in a new tababout the importance of play for a kitten’s development.
How do kittens play?
Kittens draw on their instincts when it comes to learning how to play, and those moments of play help turn instincts into skills.
“Play gives kittens the ability to safely practice skills they will ‘need’ in the future — skills that are very much related to the instincts of cats, for example to hunt, protect themselves from predators, and interact with other members of their species,” Delgado says.
Kittens first learn how to play socially, often with their mom or members of their litter. These crucial first moments of play teach kittens social cues and boundaries that they will use throughout their lives. As kittens get older, they will begin to play with objects, such as toys.