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15 Senior Products for Your Cat’s Golden Years

A person brushing the teeth of a fluffy cat.
Photo: deine_liebe / Adobe Stock

In this world nothing is certain except taxes and the fact that our precious cats will inevitably get old. One day they’re knocking down vases as they zoom through your living room and suddenly they can barely jump onto your bed. Cats are very proud animals so it can be difficult to watch them struggling with losing their physical independence. Since they tend to hide their illnesses and pain it’s important to take preventative measures and heavily monitor their behavior, especially when they reach their elder years.

Trusted Wildest expert and veterinarian Alycia Washington, DMV explains that senior cats are prone to developing arthritis, chronic kidney disease, hyperthyroidism, and even diabetes. Your pet’s transition to senior age doesn’t have to be any more difficult for both of you than it needs to be. Check out these expert recommended senior cat products to ensure your cat thrives in comfort during their senior years.

writer heven haile

Heven Haile

Heven Haile is a writer living in New York City with their cat Patches.