Do Dogs Share Food?
Study says dogs do share and they’re more generous with those they know.
Your dogs might not seem to share at home but dogs can share food, well sometimes. A study of sharing behaviors in dogs found many things influence whether dogs choose to give food to other dogs or not. Researchers investigated “prosocial” behavior in dogsopens in a new tab — voluntary behavior that benefits others — aka sharing and found some interesting results.
Sharing in Dogs
In the study, dogs were trained to touch a token with their nose to deliver food to another dog in a nearby enclosure or touch another token where nothing happened.
During the experiment, the dog in the enclosure was periodically swapped. So, sometimes the enclosure contained a roommate of the dog being tested with the tokens; other times, it was an unfamiliar dog; and occasionally, it was empty. In some trials, a third dog was next to the dog being tested when they were choosing whether to touch the token to give food away. Sometimes they were alone when making their choice.
Why Do Dogs Share?
Researchers found that dogs were more likely to share food in certain circumstances.
Dogs were more likely to give food to dogs who they live with than to dogs who are strangers.
Having another dog with them made them more generous, meaning that they were more likely to give food when they were with another dog rather than when they were alone.
To be fair, the dogs were not literally sharing the food out of their own bowl. (Food aggressionopens in a new tab is a real problem with some dogs.) They were choosing to act so that food would be given to another dog, but they didn’t lose out on any food by providing food to the other dog. Still, it’s nice to know that dogs can share food, even if what we most appreciate about them is their ability to share loveopens in a new tab.