Articles by David Odyssey

David Odyssey
David Odyssey is a writer, performer, and diviner based in New York City. He reads the charts of his favorite icons on The Luminaries opens in a new tab podcast, and offers private astrology and tarot readings. You can read his work and book a reading through his siteopens in a new tab.
- lifestyle
The Bewitching History of Black Cats and Halloween
How witches, the original cat ladies, and their feline familiars became culturally bound to All Hallows’ Eve.
How witches, the original cat ladies, and their feline familiars became culturally bound to All Hallows’ Eve.
- lifestyle
Animal Communicator Jessica Lanyadoo Is, in Fact, Not Doctor Doolittle
But she can talk to your pets. Btw, she says your dog says “hi”...and to clean their water bowl more.
But she can talk to your pets. Btw, she says your dog says “hi”...and to clean their water bowl more.
- lifestyle
Inside GhostHoney’s Animal Kingdom
Meeting all the fantastic beasts — real and imaginary — occupying TikTok star Tyler Gaca’s world.
Meeting all the fantastic beasts — real and imaginary — occupying TikTok star Tyler Gaca’s world.
- lifestyle
Spike Einbinder & the Rainbow Pack Walk the Walk
How the Los Espookys actor and comedian found their calling as a dog walker.
How the Los Espookys actor and comedian found their calling as a dog walker.
- lifestyle
Virgo Season is For Animal Lovers
Astrologer David Odyssey looks to Fiona Apple and Freddie Mercury to divine what Virgo season reveals about your dearest pet relationships.
Astrologer David Odyssey looks to Fiona Apple and Freddie Mercury to divine what Virgo season reveals about your dearest pet relationships.