If your pup acts diabolical on walks, you are not alone. Here’s what you can do.
behavioral issues
Dog barking? Cat scratching? Our experts have tips to help all sorts of behavior and aggression issues so your pet can earn that “good boy!” (or girl).
Do they taste good? Do they like the texture? Are they just being weird? We have some answers.
If your sweet dog is acting unlike themselves, we have some answers.
Ask a Vet
Pet health question that’s not an emergency? Our vet team will answer over email within 48 hours. So, go ahead, ask us about weird poop, bad breath, and everything in between.
Because the corner of the couch really does look better without a recurring pee stain on it.
Thankfully, there are ways to keep your cool and train the habit away.
And what they need.
They are likely trying to tell you something important.
Please, make it stop.
Why, oh why, is your dog eating everything they shouldn’t?
New Dog Training Programs
Try these free training programs from our friends at Dogo to help with new dog life and basic obedience.
Start Trainingopens in a new tabTake things slow.
Learn what causes this behavior and how you can help your pup.
One doesn’t have to be the loneliest number when it comes to your dog.
Never, ever punish your dog. Here’s why positive reinforcement is the only way to go.
Dog trainer Robert Haussmann’s tips for dealing with a protective dog that’s taken their duties too far.
Here are the steps you should take.
You’re happy to see them, too. But you’d be even happier if they didn’t create a mess.
Turns out they’re not daydreaming after all.
It’s OK — they don’t suddenly hate you.
How to keep your dog mentally and physically safe this New Year.
And what you can do about it.
Is that an OK habit for them to have?
In moderation, it’s normal. Excessively? It’s not.
What exactly is going on?
Take these steps to respond to the problem.
If you like expert tips, you’ve come to the right place.
If your dog jumps at the sight of cars and cowers in front of kids, consider these safe, relaxing spots.
That is not a toy.
All those things you’re doing to get ready may be the culprit.
Some good ways to keep everybody safe.
And learn how often they have to go outside.
The questions to ask and credentials to look out for to find the right trainer for your dog, according to a pro.
Stop them before a stare turns into a fight.
Why Does My Dog Howl at Sirens?
They are loud.
These sweet pups need advocates, this National Pit Bull Awareness Month, and always.
Why Does My Dog Scratch the Bed?
And why the scratching sessions seem never-ending.
You may have wondered if you're the one causing the problem.
Please remember to look at shelters and purebred rescues for your dream pup.
Why Does My Dog Hump Me?
It’s not the best thing they do by any means.
Why Does My Dog Eat Rocks?
That is not a treat, pal.
Turns out, even experts have a hard time defining these terms.
A veterinary nutritionist shares what you can do if you’re being held hostage by your dog’s particular palate.
When the whining never stops, it’s time to do some detective work.
Noisy school buses and crowds of roving children are a terrifying phenomenon for some dogs.
Why Is My Dog Peeing So Much?
Seriously, when will it end?
It's time to reframe the situation.
Not all dogs like to be approached—The Yellow Bandana Project is trying to help communicate their needs.
Why Does My Puppy Pee on My Bed?
And when will it stop?
And other incredibly valid bowl-safety questions you’re probably asking.
Are Dogs Actually Stubborn?
“Labeling a dog as stubborn is often an easy way to shift the blame from a problem with the relationship to a problem with the dog.”
Does Dog Pee Kill Grass?
It depends...
Pro tips for boosting the confidence of a scaredy-cat dog.
Turns out, adolescence isn’t just tough for humans—it can be hard on dogs, too.
Remember, dogs have more than one emotion.
Every pup can benefit from a little retail therapy—and you deserve to feel at ease, too.
How to Train a Dog Not to Jump
Kinship Collective dog trainer Robert Haussmann’s pro tips for getting a hyped-up dog to chill out.
How to Train a Puppy Not to Bite
Those little razor teeth are no fun.
As a behaviorist, the South Dakota governor's actions horrify me for several reasons.
The Trump VP contender is under fire for this heinous act of cruelty.
It is powerful enough, even for the tough cases, and it is the best choice—here’s why.
Why Does My Dog Eat Dirt?
That’s not food, bud.
Why Does My Dog Nibble on Me?
Those little teeth are sweet, but they definitely don’t feel good on your hand.
Why Does My Dog Eat Cat Poop?
Yes, we have to talk about it.
Did you get a dog for emotional support and now they are the one who needs it?
This study found that cranky pups are actually very fast social learners.
Why Do Dogs Eat Poop?
What to do when your dog has questionable tastes.
Two trainers advocate against using these devices—here’s why.
The top five reasons dogs bark—and how to get them to relax a bit.
No more cleaning up saliva-covered kibble.
Using these tips, your skittish dog will warm up to you.
Why Is My Puppy Whining?
It’s the saddest sound in the world.
If your dog growls when you get near their food or toys, read this right now.
Decoding Your Dog’s Growls
When your dog growls, they’re expressing their emotions. A study found that you’ll likely be able to understand what they’re feeling.
Dog trainer Karen B. London promises you’re not doomed to be pulled down the street forever.
How to re-housetrain a dog of any age.
Separation Anxiety in Dogs
Train your dog to stay calm when they’re on their own — instead of sad-singing “All By Myself” until you come home.
Celebrity dog trainer Victoria Stilwell’s pro tips for keeping paws off your charcuterie platter this holiday season.
If your dog loses their sh*t over anything—from a squirrel to a guest. Here are some tips to curtail that.
Expert advice for people with dogs who jump, bark, and generally go nuts when people come over.
“Let sleeping dogs lie” is more than just a confusing old saying.
How the misunderstood training tool actually empowers dogs to be “happy, fulfilled, and living their best lives.”
Because your pup is not too proud to beg.
Don’t worry; it’s just a phase!
Can I Pet Your Dog?
Consent isn’t just for humans. Here’s how to respond when the answer isn’t so simple.
It’s important to remember that dogs are individuals, so training isn’t one-size-fits-all.
If you adopted puppy siblings — and they fight nonstop — you could be dealing with littermate syndrome. Here’s everything you need to know.
What to expect when your perfect puppy hits that unruly stage.
Why regular exercise can mean a less destructive dog and a happier you.
“Why Won’t My Dog Walk Outside?”
Dog behaviorist Karen B. London’s 7 tips to help get your parked pet moving.
Dog trainer Robert Haussmann’s tips for turning a stressful walk into a chill stroll.
The research is confusing—here are some guidelines.
With patience and positive reinforcement, you can do a lot to make up for lost time with socialization.
And how to change this.
Step one: Never put your face close to theirs.
Do these things to help your pup (and your guests) feel chill.
You can live in a quiet house again.
Upgrading your pup’s recall training from accidental to intentional.
Plus 6 stylish slow-feed dog bowls.
Behavior correction, Mary Poppins style: Turn a job into a game.
Trainer Charlie DiBono warns against these greetings on all fronts.
These apparent canine meccas can pose real risks to your dog’s overall safety.
How to teach your pup to play nice.
A PSA to pay better attention to our best friends’ body language.
Instead of focusing on the negatives, here’s what you should do instead.
Get out the toys and puzzles.
When those little razors start biting, keep these tips in mind.
This study says it’s actually less about what’s in their DNA and more about what’s on it.
This study says we may not know our BFFs as well as we think we do.
Like most things in 2023, there’s a Zoom link for this.
Humping. Why, Though?!
No less than 7 animal behaviorists weigh in on what’s behind all of this bumping and grinding.
Dog trainer Pat Miller’s pro tips for preventing your pup from darting out the door.
Dog trainer Robert Haussmann’s tips for teaching a pushy pup that there are friendlier ways to get what they want.
OK, OK, don’t come for us. We know dogs and kids are very different to raise, but this study finds they respond to different parenting styles in similar ways.
Dog trainer Robert Haussmann’s tips for calming down a dog who’s protective of their turf.
Celebrity dog trainer Victoria Stilwell explains how to crate-train a dog with an intense fear of being in the car.
Dog trainer Robert Haussmann’s tips for dealing with an attention-seeking puppy.
Suddenly, your neighborhood sidewalk has some new installation art: your frozen dog.
Keep the faith; you can fix this pee-action.
New York Rep. Linda Rosenthal’s new bill puts pups first.
Richard Rosenthal is protecting animals who have historically gone underrepresented in the criminal justice system. These are his stories.
(Mis)labeling behaviors does more harm than good.
Kinship Collective dog trainer Robert Haussmann’s tips for helping an adult dog learn to go outside in a new environment.
“America’s Veterinarian” and the founder of Fear Free Pets, Dr. Marty Becker, on how this method makes vet visits, training sessions, and grooming appointments less stressful for pets.
It’s a gut thing: Your dog’s GI issues could be linked to their mental health.
There’s nothing to fear but fear itself — and a dog who won’t stop shaking when it thunders.
Celebrity dog trainer Victoria Stilwell on how to keep your dog from using your living room as a toilet.
Kinship Collective dog trainer Robert Haussmann’s tips for getting a stubborn pup to listen up.
No longer associate feeding time with growling time.
Not all fearful dogs have been mistreated.
Does Your Pet Need Therapy?
Dogs and cats can’t read self-help books, so a veterinary behaviorist explains how your pet may benefit from being in treatment.
Dog trainer Robert Haussmann’s pro tips for walking a pup that wants to chase everything that moves.
Most dogs love walking, but some love chaos a little bit more.
Don’t blame the dog — instead, figure out how to help them succeed.
How to teach your dog to enjoy, not destroy, their toys.
How to get your pet to stop chewing on inedibles from clothes to couches.
“How Can I Tame a Sassy Pup?”
Internationally renowned dog trainer Victoria Stilwell's tips for training pushy puppies.
Is it time to teach your dog some boundaries?
How to Break Up a Dog Fight
Keep you and your dog safe in case of a dog fight emergency.
The more, the merrier…except when it’s not.
Why relationships change in multi-dog households.
Look, I get it — your dog is amazing and well-trained. But that doesn't mean I want them approaching my dog without a leash.
Tips on helping a dog deal with their daily stress.
Even a mild-mannered dog can turn into a wild thing when feeling trapped.
It can be a difficult, heart-wrenching decision — this advice can help.
Is there anything more annoying than a dog who won’t stop whining? Here’s what to do about it.
How to get your pup and the mail carrier to be friends.
A viral video gives new meaning to being on the fence.
Are Laser Pointers Bad for Dogs?
Learn why these red beams of light are bad for dogs.
A (seemingly) unstoppable nibbling obsession with all the blankets.
Experts agree: breed doesn’t have anything to do with it.
“Why Does My Dog Bark at Men?”
What to do when your dog barks at the men in your life.