Dog Nutrition · Kinship

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Dog Nutrition

Prep your pet’s menu with expert tips on food, treats, supplements, recipes, weight management, and more.

Woman petting her Beagle dog while sitting on the floor.
nutrition|Can My Dog Eat This?

Can Dogs Eat Walnuts?

Just because they want to eat everything, doesn't mean they necessarily should.

Food & Food Toppers

Kibble or canned? Fresh or dehydrated? Human-grade?! We’ll help you choose the best pet food on the market.

brown dog begging for food at table

Even if they ain’t too proud to beg, you shouldn’t let your pup in on these snacks.

Golden retriever looks at some eggs on the counter

Yes, eggs are a nutritious treat for dogs.

Woman feeding her large brown dog at home.

Healthy meals and supplements can help set them on a path to recovery.

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Most Popular


Did your pet’s ears just perk up? Get expert recs on everything from dog training bites to catnip chews, plus human foods for healthy snacks.

a puppy chewing a chew-safe bone

Give them an alternative to your shoes.

Young blonde woman with a Jack Russell puppy during spring in the city.

The most mouth-watering treats for training your pup.

Dog waiting for a Christmas biscuit

From pumpkin spice and peppermint to turkey and yams, these sweet and savory treats will delight any dog.

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Nutrition Calculator

If we could give our pets infinite treats, we would. But this tool will tell you the right amount to feed your friend.

Get Calculating

vitamins & supplements

Get the lowdown on Omega-3s, superfoods, and other pet vitamins and supplements that help with immunity, joint support, and other issues.

Cheerful Brunette Having Fun With Her Dog Outside

Fatty acids rev up your dog’s energy, keep their coat shiny, help with inflammation from allergies and arthritis, and so much more.

Welsh Corgi dog hiding scared under the bed.

This summer, your pup deserves a little support.

Black dog sitting beneath a table being fed a Wild One GUT supplement

Your pup should keep these in their medicine cabinet.

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weight management

Are chunky pets cute? Yes. Can obesity be a serious health problem for pets? Also yes. So let’s talk weight management tips to get your pet in good shape.

Labrador Retriever dog begging for food at the table.

A genetic variant in people and pups is linked to increased body weight.

Woman celebrating her yellow lab's birthday.

The math isn’t as cut and dry as you’d think.

Woman petting her small dog's full belly.

They seem to be bottomless pits, but something has to to tell them when to stop... right?

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Ask a Vet

Pet health question that’s not an emergency? Our vet team will answer over email within 48 hours. So, go ahead, ask us about weird poop, bad breath, and everything in between.


Learn how to home cook healthy pet recipes, from delicious chicken dinners to peanut butter cookies.

Black and white dog watching woman baking dog treats in the kitchen at home.

It’s simple to make and full of nutrients for your pup.

Various Veggie Chips in a Ceramic Blue Bowl

Add it to the list of healthy human superfoods pups can eat, too.

Close up of chopped pumpkin with person chopping pumpkin in the back

This simple recipe can serve as the base for dog treats.

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Can My Dog Eat...?

Kibble or canned? Fresh or dehydrated? Human-grade?! We’ll help you choose the best pet food on the market.

Woman petting her Beagle dog while sitting on the floor.

Just because they want to eat everything, doesn't mean they necessarily should.

Man feeds his big dog a pickle.

Why plain cucumbers are safer.

Woman petting her Beagle dog while sitting on the floor.

There's a reason why it's not normally in dog food. Here’s how to make it safe for your pup.

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