Kinship Wrapped, 2022
This was a big year for us. Here’s what went down.
2022 is almost over. It’s taking off. It’s going to Sicily for a vacation at the White Lotus and never coming back (IYKYK, and you’re still not over it). We are winding down to those last few days on the calendar. People are closing their laptops and the financial books on a year that was, as we’ve gotten used to in the early ’20s, a bit of a mixed bag at best.
Although it’s never easy to definitively say whether an entire year was good or bad (except 2020; she knows what she did), we at Kinship had a very good 2022. We celebrated our one-year anniversary of being a bonafide online publication that serves as a friendly voice for pet parents who will take all the advice, products, and fun culture features they can get — without any of the fear-mongering medical advice much of the internet likes to churn out.
This year, we were here for new and seasoned pet parents alike as you navigated the challenges your little furry ball of wonder throws at you on the daily. We also kept the spotlight on sustainable brandsopens in a new tab and efforts, as well as good humansopens in a new tab helping to rescue pups and kitties from waropens in a new tab, the effects of natural disastersopens in a new tab, and the general harshness of this world. We hosted events and a rescue trip to Mexicoopens in a new tab, where we rescued Morgan, a senior dog who had been locked inside an abandoned property for about six years. Morgan is now based in San Diego and looking for a family. We even launched the first-ever subscription serviceopens in a new tab for dog parents. We put our own own spin on The New York Times ’s Wordle, aptly named Poodleopens in a new tab (and you can still play on our site now!), and made the streets of New York our runway with this dog street-style featureopens in a new tab.
And, because this was year three of a pandemic and news that isn’t easy on the old brain, we made sure to focus on mental healthopens in a new tab and the fact that pets are living, breathing forms of anxiety medsopens in a new tab. For those moments when you need a little extra help, we’ve got Rob Haussmanopens in a new tab ’s Ask a Traineropens in a new tab column, in which the trainer and behavior expert answers questions from Kinship readers.
In summary, it’s been a very full year. Most one-year-old humans aren’t even walking yet, but Kinship took this year and, frankly, ran with it. Come along as we run it back for a recap of some of what we did this year.
Best in Show
OK, so this wasn’t a remake of the 2000 Christopher Guest cult classic, but it deserves to go at the top of the list. Best in Show opens in a new tabis our definitive guide of the best products of 2022. We gathered our expert-and-editor-tested favorites in five categories: Walkopens in a new tab, Wearopens in a new tab, Playopens in a new tab, Groomopens in a new tab, Loungeopens in a new tab, Eatopens in a new tab, Travelopens in a new tab, and Techopens in a new tab. Our models for this feature were adoptable pets, which made them that much more photogenic. Unfortunately, we didn’t include any Busy Bee toys, but you’ll have plenty to choose from here — promise.
In addition to being the most aesthetically pleasing thing we’ve ever published, Best in Show was the culmination of the year we prioritized shopping content, found the best, most sustainable brands out there, and made sure we told you about all latest celebrity-pet collabs as soon as they happened. Doggy Partonopens in a new tab, anyone? Even Queer Eye’s Jonathan van Ness and Antoni Porowski launched a pet brand opens in a new tab(after cheekily teasing their fans that they finally fell in love).
Wild Ones, Continued
Let’s reintroduce some familiar faces. This year, we continued our Wild Ones opens in a new tabcolumn, which features creative pet parents — visual artists, actors, musicians, models, writers, editors, and more — who told Kinship all about their lives with their pets. Musician Sadie Dupuisopens in a new tab and her rescue pups, Lavender and Buddy, posed for an effortlessly cool photoshoot while advocating for Pit Bulls, fostering, and Lavender’s “Chewbacca” sounds. Yoga instructor and social-justice educator Jessamyn Stanley opens in a new taband her Chihuahua, Baby Shark, said “namaste” to living your life as authentically as you can and leaving it all on the mat.
Tegan Quinopens in a new tab, of the queer Canadian pop twin-duo Tegan and Sara, gave Kinship some insight into her and her sister Sara’s 10th album, Crybaby, and how rescuing her Border Collie / German Shepherd, Georgia, led her to new, unexpected emotional depths. Musician Dani Miller opens in a new tabof Surfbort told us that her silly rescue pups, Foxy and Pony, got her to stop taking life so seriously, and Lisa Says Gah’s founder and CEO Lisa Bühleropens in a new tab introduced us to her tuxedo cat, George, who made her say, well, “Gah!” from day one. *Wipes happy tears from eyes* Pets, right? Take a look at more of our 2022 Wild Ones opens in a new tabhere.
Introducing: 2022 Cover Stars
After the success of Wild Ones, we knew we needed to step things up. In January, we launched cover stars with Taylour Pageopens in a new tab, star of the Twitter-thread-turned Indie hit, Zola (2020), and her Pit Bulls, Juice and Aretha, who keep her spirits high with their “squishy and cuddly and sweet dispositions.” In February, Dollface (2019-2022) and Wanda Vision (2021) actress Kat Denningsopens in a new tab told Kinship about her shared “couch potato vibe” with her cat, Millie, who is decidedly content with her life as an only child.
In March, our cover star, Emmy-winning actress, writer, and comedian Ashley Nicole Blackopens in a new tab told us how she left a work trip to Puerto Rico with her new best friend, a street dog named Gordi. “When it was time to go, she put her paws in my T-shirt to say she wanted to stay with me,” she said. “So I couldn’t put her down.”
During Pride month in June, we moved over to Drag Race territory with Shea Couleéopens in a new tab and her Pomerianian, Baby. After all her fame as one of Ru’s girls, Couleé really only cares what Baby thinks of her: “It’s just so nice, because Baby has no idea about my public persona. She literally just loves me exactly for who I am.” In August, breakout star from FX’s Reservation Dogs Paulina Alexisopens in a new tab told Kinship about growing up on the Alexis Nakota Sioux Nationopens in a new tab Reserve in Alberta, Canada, her rescue German Shepherdopens in a new tab / Pit Bull opens in a new tabmix, Rose, and Rose’s daughter, Lila, whom Alexis delivered. Alexis was not the only animal lover on the show; in September, we covered the makeshift animal rescueopens in a new tab that grew out of the Reservation set.
Another highlight of our cover star year was Yves Mathieu Eastopens in a new tab, the model, musician, and activist, who fosters and advocates for Pit Bulls. “I guess in life, I’ve always been drawn to those who have been left behind, forgotten, misunderstood,” he told Kinship. “I relate to them on a very deep, personal level. No matter how different you are, everyone deserves a chance.”
Stories That Taught Us Something
We don’t pick favorites when it comes to our pets (at least not that we’d like to admit), but when it comes to the stories we publish, we do have some biases. We love anything that gives us more information about how to make pet-parent life easier, changes our perspective, and makes us all feel a little less alone.
We know our readers’ values — like giving a sh*t about the environment — often extend to their life with their pets. So Kinship Collective member opens in a new tab Dave Coast let us all in on the harsh truth: Those compostable poop bags we love to use aren’t that great for the environment after all; they’re actually made of bioplastics. Speaking of busting pet-parent myths, Dr. Lindsey Wendtopens in a new tab, also a member of Kinship Collective, finally spelled out an answer to whether grain-free food is badopens in a new tab for our pets (TL;DR: try to avoid it).
When it comes to shared values, another big one for millennials these days is their mom’s favorite topic: kids. Our parents might be trying to get us to procreate, but some serious factors influence our decisions. We covered this pieceopens in a new tab about why millennials are choosing to have pets over kids. Lily Velez, author of the report As Birth Rates in US Plummet, Are Pets Standing in for Children?opens in a new tab, told Kinship, “While American ideals have typically defined a family as a household with children, the truth is that ‘family’ encompasses far more than that. Ultimately, it includes those with whom you share a loving bond: whether that be with a romantic partner, or yes, a wet-nosed, tail-wagging, four-legged friend.”
Just as parenting looks different for our generation, so does dog-training. Celebrity dog trainer Nicole Ellisopens in a new tab dropped some modern-pet parenting knowledge when she shared opens in a new tabthat what you say to your dog actually matters far less than how you say it. Watching your tone with commands (and being careful not to name them something that sounds like a swear or negative word), will make your pup actually want to train with you.
Kinship Pack
We know the pet-parent life isn’t easy. That’s why, this year, we introduced The Packopens in a new tab. The Pack includes access to medical experts, non-medical experts, specialists, access to the Whistle Wellness Monitoropens in a new tab, and The Wisdom Panelopens in a new tab DNA test. This subscription is for the “now what” moments, those times you have no idea what your next move should be, and those instances you just need a friend to help you deep-breathe. Being a parent to a furry little ball of love (and stress trigger) is not something you should have to do alone. Thankfully, “the pack” applies to much more than a group of pups becoming instant besties at the dog park. Pet parents are their own special kind of pack, and we look out for each other.
In the Wild (a.k.a. events)
A big part of our first year was about what we did out in the wild, if you will. In February, we hosted a Puppy Bowl opens in a new tabwatch party at New York City dog café Boris & Horton with Puppy Bowl referee Dan Schachner opens in a new tabas our MC. Ahead of the event, Hannah Shaw, a.k.a. “The Kitten Ladyopens in a new tab,” joined usopens in a new tab for an hour of live kitten play and a kitten welfare Q&A.
In April, we had an Earth Day event at DOG PPLopens in a new tab’s sustainable, members-only dog park, where our editor-in-chief, Samantha Gurrie, had a fireside chat with our April cover star and Future Earth founder, Stephanie Shepherdopens in a new tab, about the future of sustainable dog care. To raise awareness around decreasing our carbon pawprints, we invited sustainable brands, including Modern Beastopens in a new tab, Merci Collectiveopens in a new tab, and West Pawopens in a new tab. Dog rescue group Pup Cultureopens in a new tab also brought a few adoptable pups and educated on fostering and rescuing. We also built a “deshedding dome,” where all the fur collected was sent to A Matter of Trustopens in a new tab, a non-profit that turns fur into mats that clean up oil spills.
In August, Kinship threw a pool partyopens in a new tab with entrepreneur rescue and foster advocate and Wild Ones subject Pia Baronciniopens in a new tab, where Collective members Dr. Wendt and Nicole Ellis were in attendance, as well as Steph Shepherd and Wild One interviewee designer Devin Brugmanopens in a new tab. Modern Beast supplied the “pawty” crowns, while Jax & Bones provided the waterproof dog pool toys.
Pet Parenting, the Sustainable Way
Speaking of raising pets the eco-friendly way, finding the products for our pets that won’t destroy the earth is not an easy feat in general. At Kinship, we focus on brands that make it their mission to use sustainable materials and make efforts to help the environment. To get pet parents started on the eco-friendly pet life, we covered the sustainable reasonsopens in a new tab to adopt a pet, this A-Z guideopens in a new tab on eco-friendly labels on packaging at the pet store, and how to deal with your eco-anxiety opens in a new tabwhile you parent your pet.
We got the best low-waste pet-care tips from Package Free opens in a new tabfounder Lauren Singeropens in a new tab. And in September, we added to our roster of sustainability movers and shakers with cover star Indy Srinathopens in a new tab, who told us all about her urban farm and her National Geographic show, Farming Is Lifeopens in a new tab.
Adoption and Fostering 101
A lot has changed since 2020. People are no longer clamoring to adopt pets at shelters and rescues like they were during the early days of the pandemic. Now, shelters are overflowingopens in a new tab as inflation forces pet parents to surrender their pets and natural disasters displaceopens in a new tab them from their homes. This year, we’ve featured organizations and individuals, such as The Animal Padopens in a new tab, Pilots to the Rescue,opens in a new tab Flatbush Catsopens in a new tab, Dr. Kwane Stewartopens in a new tab, the “The Street Vet”, Sterling “TrapKing” Davisopens in a new tab, and more.
To round out the year, we featured Pinups for Pitbullsopens in a new tab, the organization that advocates for Pit Bulls, in their final year of their popular fundraising calendar. “The inspiration for Pinups was: How do I get people to pay attention to something that I want them to pay attention to on a subject that most people really don’t care that much about — unless it affects them personally? That’s why I made a calendar to trick people into paying attention,” founder Deirdre Franklin told Kinship. Find more stories on adoption and fostering efforts you should pay attention to hereopens in a new tab.
Social Media Wins
Not to brag (OK, we’re gonna brag), but we hit one million-plus followers on our social media channels. TikTok isn’t just for the Gen Z kids; Kinship’s top TikTok videos focused on things for pet parents and pet lovers to do, like this Japanese-inspired cat caféopens in a new tab in NYC’s Lower East Side, the Rail Explorersopens in a new tab in the Catskills, and Pup-o-Weenopens in a new tab in LA. Our top Instagram posts showed us that our IG followers are interested in pet parenting from all angles: from monkeypox safety for dogsopens in a new tab to an adoption plea reel for Smokyopens in a new tab from Pup Culture (who got adopted!) were our top two on the ’gram. Our storyopens in a new tab on how dogs can smell stressopens in a new tab was also a huge hit with our readers (turns out humans aren’t the only ones who’ve been affected by the past few years).
To be honest, we could keep going, but if we sat here listing all of our accomplishments for the year, none of us would be home in time to watch holiday movies — the good, the bad, and the never-should-have-been-made — with our families and chosen families. So, we’ll pretend like we’re back in middle school, think of a clever “away” message for our AIM, and sign off. This is where, if it were June, we’d write, “HAGS,” yearbook-style, but that works if the “s” stands for “snowed in with a bottle of wine like Cameron Diaz in The Holiday” instead, right? See you in 2023, a year that will, no doubt, be filled with pups, kitties, and all of you.